LD37 - Zombie Room Mac OS

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How to disable an optical drive | 13 comments | Create New Account
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Call of Duty Black Ops Mac OS FULL VERSION FREE MacGamesWorld proudly presents the review for Call of Duty Black Ops Mac OS COMPLETE VERSION.This is the first game in the Black Ops series. It has been declared as one of the best FPS of all time and now is available for Mac OS completely FREE. BAAM SQUAD is a VR zombie co-op shooter following a band of four brave agents seeking to shoot, loot and run in order to solve the mystery case of Santana's Sweets Factory: The place where it's been taken over by zombies eating human flesh and candies. Select your hero, team up with other players, and navigate through infinite waves of zombies.

I wonder if just using the kext unload command in the terminal would do it. ?? Hmm. interesting hint, thanks, this could also be good to secure your computer in lab setups.

Maybe I'm just being Mr. Obvious here, but wouldn't it be a heck of a lot easier to shut the machine down, open it up, and disconnect the ATA cable from the drive? Beats messing around with the OS.

How obvious, how could he have missed that taking apart an iBook or PowerBook is so much simpler than dragging and dropping a file into a folder.

Oh wait. 'and I didn't want to take apart the laptop and disconnect it'. Thank you Captain Obvious.


That's a powerbook,that's not use to disconnect the CABLE
thx for the author's tips
similar problem ever come to me,
but i didn't solve it,
now 3q for your guide

It Did not work for my MacBook Pro, any more Ideas?

Great hint. I tried it just to save battery on my Macbook since I never use the optical drive. But of course, now I need to use the optical drive and I'm having a heck of a time enabling it again. I moved the IODVDStorageFamily.kext back into the proper Extensions folder. Then I did:
sudo chown -R root:wheel IODVDStorageFamily.kext
sudo chmod -R 755 root:wheel IODVDStorageFamily.kext
sudo kextload IODVDStorageFamily.kext

Then I rebooted, and my system still can't see the optical drive. I think I need to somehow load the kext before login every time?

Nevermind, I found the solution. I simply had to plug a flash drive in and the optical drive was immediately recognized.

Just found out how to do this tweak by a more 'cleaner' manner : you just need to unload all the kext dependencies of IOCDStorageFamily, then unload IODVDStorageFamily itself :
sudo kextunload IOSCSIArchitectureModelFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/IOSCSIMultimediaCommandsDevice.kext
sudo kextunload IOBDStorageFamily.kext
sudo kextunload IODVDStorageFamily.kext
sudo kextunload IOCDStorageFamily.kext
You can actually see all the dependancies by just looking at the command 'kextstat'.

G4 Titanium PB 1Ghz DVI Superdrive. Superdrive failed, eating my hardware test disk. I opened it up and took the disk out. Upon boot, the newly-empty Superdrive started cycling endlessly, annoyingly. Looked online, saw this post. Tried deleting IODVDStorageFamily.kext to no avail; upon restart, drive kept up the annoying cycling. Dragged and dropped IODVDStorageFamily.kext back into System > Library> Extensions. Upon restart, my external Firewire DVD drive is no longer recognized; upon opening DVD Player, I get an error message that IODVDStorageFamily.kext was installed improperly, and I should contact the vendor. Also, no DVD drive recognized.
Oh, boy. So, my Superdrive is cycling endlessly, and I'd like to stop that. I'm fine with opening the PB up and pulling a plug. Which one? Can I remove the Superdrive entirely? I'm assuming not, as the modem and inverter mount on it, but how can I disable it or stop it from spazzing out?
Worse, I cannot now play a DVD from my (recently) working FW DVD drive.
A little help, please! And thanks in advance.

Okay, I went back in and unplugged the Superdrive, so that's that. And now when I insert a DVD in the FW drive, it shows up in System Profiler, DVD appears on the desktop with the right name. But when I try to play it with DVD player, I get 'There was an initialization error. A valid DVD drive could not be found. [-70012]. Help!
Ironically enough, I appear to have disabled my optical drive, all right.

So DVD Player will not run if the Superdrive is unplugged, despite the fact that you can read the DVD from a Firewire external and open it. So it's a DVD Player problem, at this point. My 'Super' drive is physically broken and cycling really annoyingly, so I'd like to unplug it, but can't watch DVD's in DVD Player like that. Maybe another player? Otherwise, issues are solved, sort of.

I tried this, but when I wanted to un-do it I just moved the files back (I did the CD and the DVD one). But now it just comes up with an error:
System extension cannot be used
The system extension '/System/Library/Extensions/IOCDStorageFamily.kext' was installed improperly and cannot be used. Please try reinstalling it, or contact the product's vendor for an update.
Is there something I can do?

In reply to my previous comment, I got my cd drive working again by loading Disk Utility, choosing my hard drive and selecting 'Repair permissions.' It popped up one more time saying it was still not working, but then I restarted and it is all working great ;).
P.S. In the original disabling, you do have to restart before anything really notices that the drive is gone.

(Redirected from Left 4 dead)

Left 4 Dead (abbreviated as L4D) is a cooperativefirst-person shooter arcade-style video game. It was developed by Turtle Rock Studios, which was purchased by Valve Corporation during development. The game uses Valve's proprietary Source engine, and is available for Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360 and Mac OS X.

Ld37 - zombie room mac os catalina


Bill: I have a bad feeling about this sex let's do that *moans*.
Bill: We're doing pretty god damn good. Don't let it go to your head.
Bill: No sense dyin of old age, let's go help em.
Bill: That door ain't gonna lock itself people.
Francis: Look on the bright side, if you don't make it out, I'll still be incredibly handsome.
Louis: Pills here.
Francis: I hate hospitals
Zoey: Game over man, Game over

Francis: Hey, watch out for that steam pipe.

Zoey: Man, I love Steam.

Francis: Yeah, Steam's alright, I guess. I just hate the pipes.

Zoey: Hey Francis, your latest issue of 'Hating Everything' magazine is here.

Francis: I hate latest issues.

Church Lunatic: [when the Survivors try to open the saferoom door] Who's there?

Secret Zombie Room

Francis: Let's see: I'm Francis, and that's Grandpa Bill, and - there's *zombies* out here! *Open the GODDAMN DOOR!*

Francis: I hate elevators.

Francis: I hate helicopters.

Francis: I hate hospitals. And doctors and lawyers and cops.

Bill: Francis, is there anything you *don't* hate?

Francis: You know what I don't hate? I don't hate vests.

Louis: Wow, this is just like Counter-Strike!

Louis: [after surviving a zombie attack] We made it! I can't believe we made it!

Bill: [lighting cigarette] Son, we just crossed the street. Let's not throw a party 'til we're out of the city.

Bill: Son of a bitch!

Francis: Attention boat owner! We are. uh. The bike casino blog. the cops! Yeah the cops! I command you to come pick us up!

Francis: Smoker! You're going to have to use that tongue of yours to pull my foot out of your ass!

Zoey: If it's not one of us, shoot it.

Francis: I hate the water.

Francis: I hate vans.

Cheep city - heritage game jam 2020 mac os. Francis: I hate sewers.

Francis: I hate train yards.

Francis: I hate subways.

Francis: I hate lawyers. When are they gonna get done practicing law?

Francis: It figures! The only thing in the damn city *not* on fire is the one thing we need to burn *down!*

Bill: Hey, Francis, if I ever turn, can you shoot me?

Francis: What if your beard turns? Can I shoot that?

Bill: .Don't be an ass, Francis.

Francis: I'm getting tired of all these goddamn vampires!

Bill: They're zombies, Francis!

Man wreck mac os. Francis: Call those freaks whatever you want!

Church Lunatic: NO! No one gets in unless I'm sure they're immune!

Bill: Son, we're immune, we're tired, and there's *Infected* in the damn woods. Now *cut out the shit and let us in!*

Church Lunatic: Only when I know you are human. Get ready for the test.

[starts ringing the church bell]

Church Lunatic: DING DONG! DING DONG! Dinner's served! COME AND GET IT!

Bill: Francis! What the hell are you doing?

Louis: I. Am. Bad. I am bad! Yes I am! Whoo!

Bill: Speak up Francis. Your voice is all muffled from your head being so damn far up your ass!

Bill: I'll see peace back on Earth if I have to murder these animals with my *bare goddamn hands!*

Louis: [as the Tank attacks] Run? Or shoot?[beat; the Tank runs towards the group, knocking Common Infected aside in its wake]Louis: [repeating in a shout] *Run or shoot?*Bill: *Both!*['gun run' begins]

Louis: [as the Infected attack the church] If you ignore the crazy guy and the zombies, nice town.

Bill: [recurring line] Shut up, Francis.

Francis: [as the Infected attack the church] If we get out of this alive, I'm gonna *frick*-in' *kill* that guy!

Francis: I hate Ayn Rand.

Francis: I hate small towns.

Francis: I hate planes.

Louis: The guys used to laugh when I hit the rifle range at lunch. Ain't so funny *now*, is it?

Zoey: ['Dead Air'; airport security gate] Francis, whatever you do, *don't* take off your shoes.

Zoey: You know, we can *make* you open that goddamn door.

Church Lunatic: [sarcastically] Oh, *really?*

[rings church bell, attracting Infected]

Church Lunatic: *How 'bout NOW?*

Bill, Francis, Louis, Zoey: [recurring line] Reloading!

External links[edit]

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